Thursday, December 29, 2016


Julinda,Rismaya Marbun,Luwandi Suhartono
English Education Study Program, and Language and Arts Education
FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura


The purpose of this research is to look the dialogue method can improve students’ skill in speaking class. This  research  is  intended  to  teaching  speaking  through  dialogue  at  the seventh  grade  students  of  SMP  Kemala  Bhayangkari  2  Tanjung  Asam  in academic year. In this research, the researcher focus on pronunciation and grammar, because the researcher used the descriptive way to find the result in his research.
The researcher used 2 cycle in his research, Each aspect of speaking skill (pronunciation and grammar) and task achievement then also were analyzed. To see clearly the improvement on students‟.

All result in this research :
1.      Students‟   speaking   competence   of   the   seventh   grade   students   of   SMP Kemala    Bhayangkari    2    Tanjung    Asam    Ketapang    in    academic    year 2 2013/2014 improved after being taught through dialogue.
2.      The students‟ speaking  competence  improved  from  the  first  cycle  to  the  last  cycle.  It  was showed by the improvement of students‟ mean score. The students‟ mean score in the first cycle was 54.64; in the second cycle, it was 71.96.
3.      Students‟ speaking competence improvement can be described based on the students‟ mean  score  of two   aspect   concerned   in   the   research  that   was accuracy in pronouncing especially the sound of words to give opinion and comprehensibility which deals with  students‟ clear  intention  by  giving  elaboration  to  give  opinion. 
4.      In the first cycle, students‟ ability in pronunciation and grammarss was still poor. As a result, there were  only  2  out  of  10  students  passed  the  KKM score. Mostly, the students still    made    serious    phonological    errors    in    stating   their    opinion.    For comprehensibility aspect,  the  students  could  elaborate their opinion by giving a reason to support their opinion.

5.      In  the  second  cycle,  the  researcher  found that  32%  students  still  made serious phonological errors. In addition, the mean score of pronunciation decreased  due  to  the  students‟ longer  sentence  to  state an opinion made them had      more   phonological   errors.


  1. Yeah,..using dialogue is effective way to make students speak and it can improve their speaking and also their listening.

  2. It's very helpful for the students to increase their speaking, nice Bg Syeh, thanks.

  3. very good way and nice to apply it at class.

  4. this method one of the good way to increase students speaking. thanks for sharing this information.

  5. Very useful method. Be side increase speaking skill, it also make student active to speak.

  6. its good to improve their speaking. Thx

  7. nice bro

    but, how big of your sure with this strategy applied in our city ?
    will it be succed or accepted?

  8. Good method. I will try to apply it.
    Thanks for the shering

  9. Good explanation syah. And I believe that it will be useful for english teacher.
